Uncategorized – gondwanaexams.org http://gondwanaexams.org Need homework help? You came to the right place! Sun, 26 Feb 2023 18:41:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 http://gondwanaexams.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/691/2021/01/cropped-triangle-32x32.png Uncategorized – gondwanaexams.org http://gondwanaexams.org 32 32 How to Make Yourself Study When You Are Bored of Studies http://gondwanaexams.org/how-to-make-yourself-study.html http://gondwanaexams.org/how-to-make-yourself-study.html#respond Sun, 26 Feb 2023 18:38:41 +0000 http://gondwanaexams.org/?p=69 Are you tired of feeling unmotivated and uninterested in your studies? Why is studying so boring for you? Do you constantly procrastinate and struggle to get into the study mood? If so, it’s time to shake things up and turn boredom into excitement!

Studying is an essential part of our lives and, sometimes, it’s natural to feel drained and bored. But what if we say you could turn this around and return to loving your studies? Yes, you read that right! You can transform your study sessions into an enjoyable and productive experience with a few simple tweaks.

Imagine feeling motivated, energized, and ready to tackle your studies. Imagine no more procrastination and being able to master how to concentrate on your school work with ease. This is not just a fantasy; it’s a reality you can achieve!

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of study tips and share how to get in the mood to study. From creating a study plan to limiting screen time, we’ve got you covered. So buckle up, grab a pen and paper, and get ready to take notes on how to make yourself study!

Tips to get into study mood when you are bored of studies

Reading can easily get boring even when you’re interested in the topic or the course and when it does, it becomes difficult to understand and read for long periods. Here are some ways you can get into the study mood to read better.

  1. Take regular breaks

It’s essential to take regular breaks while studying. Sitting in the same position for hours can lead to boredom and burnout. Instead, take a 5-10 minute break every hour to stretch, move around, or relax. This will help you keep motivated and energized throughout the day.

  1. Create a study plan

A study plan helps you stay organized and motivated. Create a schedule for your study sessions and stick to it. It can also be helpful to set specific goals for each session and prioritize the essential tasks. This way, you’ll know what you need to accomplish and won’t waste time on unnecessary activities.

  1. Get into the right environment

Your study environment can be crucial in getting you into the study mood. When it gets to a point you are saying, “I don’t feel like studying,” find a quiet and comfortable place to study, free from distractions. You can also consider playing soft background music or ambient noise to help you concentrate.

  1. Make it fun

Studying doesn’t have to be boring. Make it fun by incorporating games and other interactive activities into your study sessions. You can also work with a study group or find a partner to keep you motivated and engaged. With this, you will stop being bored of studies.

  1. Limit your screen time

It can be tricky to focus on your studies if you spend too much time on screens because they can cause eye strain and fatigue. Try to limit your screen time and take regular breaks from screens. Instead, you can opt for activities like reading, writing, or walking.

The maximum hours one can study in a day vary from person to person. However, it’s important to remember that your brain can only absorb so much information in one sitting. Don’t push yourself too hard; take breaks whenever you need to.

  1. Reward yourself

It’s important to reward yourself for your hard work and dedication to academics. So, set achievable and realistic goals for each study session and reward yourself when you reach them. This could be simple, like watching an episode of your favorite show or indulging in a sweet treat.  The rewards don’t have to be big, but they should be something you look forward to. This can help keep you motivated and make your study sessions more enjoyable.


Getting into the study mood can be challenging, but with the correct tools and techniques, it’s possible to overcome boredom and make the most of your study sessions.

So, don’t wait any longer. Put these tips into action, and get ready to say goodbye to boredom and hello a productive study session!

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Tips on How to Make Studying Fun and Enjoyable http://gondwanaexams.org/how-to-make-studying-fun.html http://gondwanaexams.org/how-to-make-studying-fun.html#respond Sun, 26 Feb 2023 18:36:26 +0000 http://gondwanaexams.org/?p=68 Are you tired of dreading and feeling overwhelmed by the thought of studying? Do you find yourself procrastinating and struggling to stay focused during study sessions? If so, join the queue because you’re not alone.

Although many education enthusiasts say studying is fun, it can often feel like a chore. However, it doesn’t have to feel that way – at least, not all the time. With some creativity and a few clever tricks, you can transform studying into a fun and enjoyable experience.

So yeah you guessed right! This post aims to address this issue extensively. We’ll share eight proven tips to help you make studying a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Whether you’re a student or simply someone who needs to learn and retain new information, these tips will teach you how to love studying.

Why is studying so boring?

Studying can become boring for several reasons. Some common reasons include Lack of variety, poor study techniques, boredom with the subject matter, no clear sense of purpose, no immediate social rewards, and many more.

Ultimately, how to make studying fun and engaging requires a combination of finding the right study techniques, creating a positive study environment, and connecting the material to a student’s personal goals and interests. Below we’ll delve into these concepts more.

How to make studying more fun

There are multiple ways to make studying fun. Here are some of them.

  1. Set realistic goals and rewards

Setting goals for your studies can give you a sense of purpose and motivation. Break down your study plan into smaller, achievable tasks, and then set rewards for when you complete each one. This could be as simple as a 15-minute break or something more significant, like a movie night. The key is to make sure the reward is something you’ll look forward to and makes the effort of studying worth it.

  1. Make use of study groups

Studying with others can be a great way to have fun studying. You can work together to help each other understand tricky concepts and share study tips. You can also play various study games together.

  1. Incorporate music and sounds

Listening to music while you study can help to improve focus and reduce stress. If you’re having trouble concentrating, try listening to classical music, which has been shown to enhance brain function and improve memory retention. Alternatively, you can create a study playlist with songs that motivate and inspire you.

  1. Try active learning techniques

Active learning techniques, such as flashcards, quizzes, and summarising information, can create several fun ways to study. These methods can help you retain information better and they’re also a fun way to test your knowledge.

  1. Switch up your study environment

Mixing up your study environment can help to keep you engaged and reduce boredom. Try studying in different locations, such as a library, a park, or a coffee shop. The change in environment can help remove redundancy in learning while improving creativity and relaxation.

  1. Take study breaks

It’s essential to take breaks when studying to avoid burnout and maintain focus. Take a few minutes to stretch, walk around, or do something unrelated to reading such as listening to music or meditating. This can help to recharge your batteries and improve your overall studying experience.

  1. Visualise information

Visualising information can help to make studying more fun and memorable. Try creating mind maps, flow charts, or diagrams to help you understand and retain information. You can also use images and videos to help illustrate complex concepts.


Making studying fun and enjoyable is possible with some creativity and effort. You can improve focus, retention, and motivation by setting goals and rewards, incorporating music and sounds, and using active learning techniques. So why not give these tips a try and make your next study session more enjoyable?

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Surviving High School: Student’s Tips for Easy Studies http://gondwanaexams.org/how-to-survive-high-school.html http://gondwanaexams.org/how-to-survive-high-school.html#respond Sun, 26 Feb 2023 18:34:24 +0000 http://gondwanaexams.org/?p=67 We all know that high school is hard. It may not be a crazy zombie apocalypse, but sometimes, it can feel like one. With the demands of maintaining academic excellence, fitting in socially, and navigating personal growth, it’s easy for students to become overwhelmed and stressed.

But fear not! There are proven methods to help turn this seemingly hopeless challenge into a more manageable and enjoyable experience. From mastering effective study habits to seeking support from trusted sources such as friends, family, and teachers, students have the power to find the motivation and resources they need to succeed.

This post will explore some of the most effective tips and tricks for surviving high school and even get you thriving in your personal life.

How to survive high school: tips and tricks

Getting through high school can be pretty straightforward when you’ve nailed down some essential elements. Usually, the best advice for high schoolers is to start small and gradually acclimatise themselves to a new environment.

Below are some insightful tips to help you out:

  • Get organised

One of the key challenges of high school is managing the demands of multiple classes, activities, and assignments. To stay on top of things it’s essential to learn good organisational habits. This can include keeping a planner or calendar, breaking down long-term projects into smaller, manageable tasks, and prioritising your workload.

  • Find a study group

Studying with others can be a fun and effective way to learn new material. It is also one of the most crucial tips for high school survival. By bouncing ideas off of each other and reviewing difficult concepts together, you can deepen your understanding of the subject matter. Moreover, the support and accountability provided by a study group can help you stay focused and motivated.

  • Get involved in extracurricular activities

Participating in extracurricular activities can be a great way to develop new skills, make friends, and have fun. Whether it’s joining a sports team, volunteering for a community service project, or pursuing a hobby, engaging in activities outside of the classroom can help you to relax and de-stress.

  • Seek help when you need it

High school can be difficult and overwhelming, so it’s crucial to reach out for support when necessary. Whether it’s talking to a teacher, counsellor, or trusted friend, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

  • Stay healthy

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can affect your academic and personal success significantly. This can include eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and engaging in physical activity regularly. By taking care of your physical health, you’ll be better equipped to handle the demands of high school.

  • Take care of your mental health

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it’s essential to seek support when you need it. This can include talking to a trusted friend or family member, seeking help from a school counsellor, or visiting a mental health professional.

  • Set goals and work towards them

Having a clear understanding of what you want to achieve in high school can help you stay motivated and focused. Whether it’s getting good grades, participating in a sport, or developing a particular skill, setting achievable goals and working towards them can help you stay on track and feel a sense of accomplishment.

  • Don’t be afraid to take risks

High school is a time of change and growth, and it’s essential to embrace new experiences and opportunities. Whether it’s trying a new sport, joining a club, or pursuing a new hobby, taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone can help you to grow and develop new skills.


Surviving high school can be a challenge, but with the right high school tips and tricks, it can also be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. By focusing on organisation, seeking help when needed, and embracing new experiences, students can thrive in their academic and personal lives. Now get out there and conquer high school!

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Is there any Use in Banning Homework? http://gondwanaexams.org/pros-and-cons-of-banning-homework.html http://gondwanaexams.org/pros-and-cons-of-banning-homework.html#respond Fri, 05 Feb 2021 12:48:29 +0000 http://gondwanaexams.org/?p=54 The issue of whether to be or not to be on the issue of homework has been with us for a long time and will continue to be a topic for discussion between those that are in favor of it and the vast majority that belief we should get rid of homework outright.

We shall make an attempt to balance the reasoning from the point of view of both sides of the argument. Should homework be sustained in schools? Can we go on to abolish it outright? We shall be flexible in our approach by taking a look at what the yes and nay are saying about the role homework has to play in education of the child.

The pros and cons

Taking a look at the arguments on both sides; it is seen to be clearly obvious. It serves as a means of boosting the confidence of the people in establishing what they have previously learned in the class. Independent learning research skills can be developed here. Some of the skills that are useful in later life can be developed through homework.

Taking a look at the other side of the coin, many parents express the fear that the amount of homework given in different subjects combined can be a source of burden to the student. It puts the kids under a lot of pressure. When they come to school the following day; the hangover of the pressure makes them useless in the class.

Some of the teachers are not in support of homework. However; their reasons for opposing homework is based on selfishness. They belief homework is an extra burden to their workload.

Outright ban by a UK secondary school

When Philip Morant School and College in Colchester, England decided to ban homework, it became a national topic for discussion. The Principal argued that the decision was taken to enable the teaching staff the time to fully concentrate on preparing lessons. Many parents were in support of this. However, when the negative publicity that it generated is weighed; it is far more than the support it received.

How do we make homework effective?

The problem with homework lies majorly with the approach of the teachers. Homework should not be generalized because the students have different academic capabilities. It should be directed at the child. The focus should be to help the individual student overcome deficiencies. Homework should be seen to promote independent learning. However, homework shouldn’t be overwhelming for the students. This is why a scholarship essay writing service can be of great help.

Final thoughts

The tasks should encourage students to think creatively. It should encourage individual research among the kids. When teachers design classroom activities to stretch and challenge the students; same should be applicable to homework. Is there any need for banning homework? We totally agree with your answer.

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Outstanding Tactics of Studying Biology http://gondwanaexams.org/outstanding-tactics-of-studying-biology.html http://gondwanaexams.org/outstanding-tactics-of-studying-biology.html#respond Fri, 05 Feb 2021 12:46:37 +0000 http://gondwanaexams.org/?p=51 If you make it to college, be ready for biology because it is a mandatory subject. There is no way you can escape it because it is one of the top topics in high school. Many students have problems in understanding biology, but it is not that challenging. You have to know that your reading habits will either determine if you will pass biology or not. Before you go deep into understanding the subject, you have to start by knowing the necessary things. There is no way you can be good at something if you are not familiar with the basics. After reading this article, you will equip yourself with tactics that will help you excel in biology.

Attend Classes

When you miss class and expect to copy your friend’s notes, you will only be lying to yourself. Biology is complicated, and when you are not in the classroom, there are concepts that you will not understand. It is also great if you listen to the teacher because you will be able to understand everything. Your friend can try explaining to you, but there are things you will not grasp. Make sure you attend all the classes and complete each assignment your teacher gives out. That way, you will catch things faster, and nothing will sound strange to you. When you are in class, you will be able to write your notes neatly in a way that you can understand. You will also put down the right things and nothing that will confuse you. Your friend’s work can mislead you because people hear different things while in class. If you want to succeed in Biology, make sure you go to all lecturers.

Do Not Play Catch Up

You can do this in other subjects but not in biology because you will be destroying yourself. You have to know the topics in biology get related in a way. There is no way you can understand a subject without knowing the previous one.  Know the first one, then move to the next one. You will be able to learn most things when you are in the laboratory. There you will do different types of experiments, and you will know how they all work. If you miss attending the lab sessions, there is no way you will do all of them last minute when the exams are close. You will confuse yourself and end up failing. You have to be in front of your teacher always to be on top and stress-free.

Go From General to Specific

Anyone can decide to take time and learn biology, but it has so much that can make one give up. It is not a subject that has calculations. It is all about theory. The theory is about thorough reading and nothing less. There is no way you can pass in a theory subject if you do not read. You have to make sure you have all the concepts at your fingertips if you want to survive. Do not run to know more about specific concepts when you have no idea about the general ones. You have to move step by step, and in the end, you will see positive results.

Take Lab Time Seriously

Biology has two parts, theory and practical. You can be good at theory, but you still have no chance of passing if you know nothing in the experimental part. You have to put a lot of energy into both sides for you to be in a better place. If you want to excel in the practical area, make sure you attend all the lab sessions. You have to master the procedures, ingredients, and you are good to go. Afterward, you will know everything you need to know, and nothing will challenge you. There is no way you will forget anything you learn in the lab. Let that stick in your mind.

Use Diagrams

Biology is complicated and hard to understand. Sometimes you can read and grasp nothing, but a method can help you solve that problem. If you have any trouble understanding a point, you can try to draw and see if you can grasp it. Drawings can make work easier for you when it comes to this subject. If you incorporate this tactic, you will be in front of so many students.

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Tips for Tackling any Assignment http://gondwanaexams.org/tips-for-tackling-an-assignment.html http://gondwanaexams.org/tips-for-tackling-an-assignment.html#respond Fri, 05 Feb 2021 12:42:33 +0000 http://gondwanaexams.org/?p=47 Do you have an essay assignment, and you are stranded, not knowing where to begin!  Essay writing may seem challenging for beginners, but very easy if you already know what to do. You may waste a lot of time writing and rewriting a wrong essay that attracts low scores. You need to get the facts right and, if possible, go through these essay writing tips presented by 123Homework writing professionals to produce the best write-up that attracts a good score. You don’t need to continue wasting time on the wrong path. Find information on doing the assignment here.

Below are some simple steps that will make you enjoy the easy writing process.

  1. The very beginning
    Start working on your assignment soon as the tutor gives it to you. It will be significant because the assignment’s ideas will still be fresh in your head, and you can get them down on paper. Upon receiving the work, consider jotting notes, brainstorming, mind mapping, and timed writing.
  2. Assembling Your Ideas to Develop an Outline
    At this critical step, utilize what your tutor provided to develop your outline. Have your ideas in point form and organize them according to their importance. During the process, keep reading through the assignment to ensure that you are covering the right content. There is a risk of obscuring the inappropriate content if you fail to read through the question frequently.
  3. Drafting of Your Sough
    When drafting your sough, don’t worry much about the spelling and the grammar of your work. You will fix the latter. Keep on with the online typing of your work so that you automatically save it. After the completion of the draft, save it and print a hard copy. Keep the hard copy safe and give yourself time from the document so that you can have time to look at it back with clean and fresh minds. Remember to keep track of all the resources you are using in writing to avoid producing a plagiarized document.
  4. Editing Your Sough Draft
    After a day or two breaks from your assignment, take a pen and notebook and go back to your paper. A break will make you revisit the document with fresh minds. You may give a friend, your teacher, or librarian a draft of your work and let them help you find where you need to make changes.
    Because you started the assignment in time, go back to the teacher and discuss with him/her where feedback and possible areas that need adjustments.
  5. Write Your Final Draft
    After several edits, bear in mind that your final draft should be clean and free from mistakes. Have time to read your work loud. Reading through your job will ensure that your idea is clear and the sentences have a good flow. Citation is also crucial in your assignment. Revisit your work to ensure that you are using the right source. Common citations include the APA, MLA, and Chicago. You can choose the one your teacher recommends for the assignment.


When you get an assignment, never panic, recall the above tips, and compose yourself to produce good quality work. Follow each step slowly by slowly and keep on consulting where necessary. Keep focusing on the assignment question to remain relevant in your write –up. With all the confidence, you can now go ahead and do the task.

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What are the Toughest Classes in College http://gondwanaexams.org/toughest-classes-in-college.html http://gondwanaexams.org/toughest-classes-in-college.html#respond Fri, 22 Jan 2021 14:39:47 +0000 http://gondwanaexams.org/?p=27 You cannot compare college with high school or with any other grade because they are different. Some students give up at this stage because they cannot take the pressure anymore. There are classes in college that no one enjoys, and if you also fail to attend them, you will fail. If you are a mathematics pro, then algebra is nothing to you. If English is your favorite subject, there is a possibility you will have problems when it comes to math. It is better to understand that no unit is easy in college. If you do not take your homework seriously, and you do not practice harder, then you will not have a chance of passing your exams or understanding anything. Some colleges make work easier for their learners by assisting them as much as they can. If you study at Casper College, you are lucky because there are various actions you can take that can help you pass with flying colors. There is a list of the most challenging subject, and if, in any case, you attend any, you have to make sure you take them seriously. You have to make sure that you spend most of your time studying and not joking around. Here is a list of the subjects:

  1. Thermodynamics

When it comes to thermodynamics, you must read whether you like it or not. You cannot wait for the last minute, cram everything and expect to excel. You have to sacrifice yourself by trying to understand the concepts and how to apply them. It is all about physics, and you already know what to expect. If you are perfect in this, then there is nothing that can stop you from graduating.

  1. Human Anatomy

It is one of the toughest because there is so much that you have to stick in your mind. Here you will need all the memorizing power you got. It deals with anything concerning the body, starting from the structure to the muscles. You know how broad that can get, and you also have to be extra careful, so that you do not confuse yourself. You have to make sure you are familiar with the different names to succeed. You should have a schedule that will help you with your studies for you to enjoy the course.

  1. Calculus

If you are not a fan of math, you will have trouble here. Many students have to take this unit, and it is one of the hardest. You can attend class and end up going home without grasping a thing. You do not have to give up if you aspire to graduate from school. You need to have a plan that will enable you to practice harder or find a helper to do my calculus homework with ease. Practice makes perfect. Within no time, you will be the one teaching your classmates.

  1. Organic Chemistry

If you are dealing with this course, you are a firm person. If you are not a serious student, there is no way you will complete this course. You will give up and run away from school. You have to be a bookworm for you to acquire the best grades. You have to dedicate most of your time to reading and also, make sure that you understand all the concepts.

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